Following a case initially brought in Spain, UK citizens now have the right to request certain information about them is 'de-listed' from search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. This does not delete the information, it just means the search engine no longer links to the article as it has taken the view the public's right to receive the information is outweighed by the Applicant's rights to have his or her privacy over the data respected.
This is not an absolute right, and each Application is treated on a case by case basis, depending on the merits of the Application and status and position of the individual. Generally speaking this applies to information which is not contemporary, is excessive, is incomplete or over which there is another compelling reason that it is not in the public interest for it to continue to be available via the respective platform.
Temple Legal Services have specialist lawyers with many years experience of reputation management, including using the right to be forgotten to ensure someone's on-line presence is fair, balanced, and contemporary. We have had many successes in securing the de-linking of unfairly damaging content from people's names when searched on platforms like Google, Yahoo and Bing
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