We offer clients certainty about their costs exposure for legal consultancy by charging a fixed-fee for any work we undertake. We do not bill for our time 'per-minute', but offer up-front certainty for each task
We also offer a 'pay monthly model, where the client's legal needs within key commercial areas are managed. This covers data and privacy, intellectual property and employment law issues
We assist entrepreneurs starting-up a business with the legal formalities, including drafting shareholder agreements, Companies House documentation and business terms and conditions
As a business, you will almost certainly have an obligation to register with the Information Commissioner's Office, and ensure that, whether a Data Processor or a Data Controller, you handle lawfully. We can draft your data and privacy policies on a fixed-fee basis, and manage your ongoing data and privacy needs as part of a monthly subscription. We also help you protect your intellectual property
We offer a pay-monthly model to ensure our clients have peace of mind over their costs exposure on employment law issues. Like all out pay-monthly subscriptions, the focus is on ensuring certainty for the client over costs exposure, and sustainability for us as a business. Each agreement is bespoke to the client based on an in-depth assessment of the client's circumstances
Temple Legal Services offer a wide range of contracting services, including drafting client-specific contracts, and reviewing contracts the client is considering entering into. Depending on the client's business, this can be on a fixed-fee basis or a pay-monthly subscription, or both. But the purpose is to ensure the client has clarity about their costs at the outset
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